Bob's Burgers is an American animated sitcom created by Loren Bouchard for the Fox Broadcasting Company. It is centered on the Belcher family—parents Bob and Linda and their three children, Tina, Gene, and Louise—who run a burger restaurant and often go on adventures of many kinds. The show premiered on January 9, 2011. The series was conceived by Bouchard after he developed Home Movies. Bob's Burgers is a joint production by Wilo Productions and 20th Television Animation (formerly 20th Television). While reviews for the first season were mixed, feedback for subsequent seasons has been much more positive. The series premiere, "Human Flesh", drew in 9.39 million viewers, making it the highest-rated series premiere of the season and finishing ninth in the ratings for the week it aired.[4][5] Since then, the series has grown to be a critical and cultural success. In 2013, TV Guide ranked Bob's Burgers as one of the 60 Greatest TV Cartoons of All Time.[6] The series has been nominated for several awards, including the Emmy Award for Outstanding Animated Program eleven consecutive times (2012–2022), winning in 2014 and 2017. Reruns began airing on Cartoon Network's programming blocks Adult Swim on June 23, 2013, and ACME Night from 2021,[7][8] and began airing in syndication on local stations in September 2015. A comic book series based on the series, published by Dynamite Entertainment, began in September 2014.[9] A soundtrack album was released on Sub Pop Records on May 12, 2017,[10] with a second volume released on August 20, 2021.[11] The series has been renewed for its fourteenth and fifteenth seasons.[12][13] In addition, a feature film was released in theatres on May 27, 2022.[Bob's Burgers Complete Season 1-14 (DVD) English Only
Cast: H. Jon Benjamin Dan Mintz Eugene Mirman Larry Murphy John Roberts Kristen Schaal
Clearout Deal: No
Country of Origin - Assembly: US - United States
Director: Loren Bouchard Jim Dauterive
Genre: Adult animation[1] Animated sitcom[2]
Studio & Production Company: Wilo Productions Buck & Millie Productions (seasons 1–10) 20th Television[a] (seasons 1–11) 20th Television Animation (season 12–present)[3]
Universal Product Code (UPC check): 00068421772937