Yellowstone is an American neo-Western drama television series created by Taylor Sheridan and John Linson that premiered on June 20, 2018, on Paramount Network. The series stars Kevin Costner, Luke Grimes, Kelly Reilly, Wes Bentley, Cole Hauser, Kelsey Asbille, and Gil Birmingham. The series follows the conflicts along the shared borders of the Yellowstone Ranch, a large cattle ranch, the Broken Rock Indian reservation, Yellowstone National Park and land developers. In May 2023, it was announced that the fifth season will be its last and be followed by an untitled sequel series.[1] The first part of the fifth and final season premiered on November 13, 2022, with the second part premiering in late 2023.[2] In 2013, Sheridan began work on the series, having recently grown tired of acting and switching to screenwriting. Having lived in the rural parts of states such as Texas and Wyoming, Sheridan set the series in Montana and set first scripts in Livingston. Sheridan initially pitched the series to HBO, but the network declined. The series follows the Dutton family, owners of the largest ranch in Montana, the Yellowstone Dutton Ranch, commonly called "the Yellowstone". The plot revolves around family drama at the ranch and the bordering Broken Rock Indian Reservation, Yellowstone National Park, and developers. In May 2017, Paramount Network announced that it had greenlit its first scripted series, Yellowstone. Paramount issued a series order for a first season consisting of ten episodes. The series was set to be written, directed, and executive-produced by Sheridan. A prequel series titled 1883 (2021–2022) was announced following a five-year deal signed by Sheridan with ViacomCBS and MTV Entertainment Group. The series focuses on a generation of the Dutton family during the Old West as they undertake the arduous journey across the country before settling the land that would become the Yellowstone Ranch. A second prequel series titled 1923 (2022–present) focuses on an intervening generation of the Dutton Family during the time of Western Expansion, Prohibition, and the Great Depression. A third planned spin-off titled Lawmen: Bass Reeves is in development and will focus on the life of the titular character. A fourth planned spin-off titled 6666 is also in development and is set in the present day on the Four Sixes Ranch in Texas. A further fifth spin-off titled 1944 was confirmed by Paramount in early 2023. 1923 is an American Western drama television series that premiered on December 18, 2022, on Paramount+.[1] The series is a prequel to the Paramount Network series Yellowstone and serves as a sequel to the series 1883. In February 2023, the series was renewed for a second season of eight episodes.Yellowstone Season 5 Part 1 & 1923 Season 1 (DVD)
Studio & Production Company: 101 StudiosLinson EntertainmentBosque Ranch ProductionsMTV Entertainment Studios
Title: Yellowstone Season 5 Part 1 & 1923 Season 1
Duration: 960 min
Actors: Helen Mirren Harrison Ford Brandon Sklenar Julia Schlaepfer Jerome Flynn Darren Mann Isabel May Brian Geraghty Aminah Nieves Michelle Randolph Timothy Dalton
Original Languages: English
Series Title: Yellowstone Season 5 Part 1 & 1923 Season 1