Law & Order: Organized Crime is an American crime drama television series that premiered on April 1, 2021, on NBC. The seventh series in the Law & Order franchise and a spin-off of Law & Order and Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, the series stars Christopher Meloni as Elliot Stabler, reprising his role from SVU. The show features a "single-arc" storyline that takes multiple episodes to resolve.[1] The first season premiered on April 1, 2021, and was renewed for a second season comprising 24 episodes but only 22 episodes were produced.[2] The second season premiered on September 23, 2021,[3] and the series was renewed in May 2022 for a third season,[4] which premiered on September 22, 2022.[5] In April 2023, the series was renewed for a fourth season, which premiered on January 18, 2024.[6] On April 25, 2024, the series was renewed for a fifth season and would move to Peacock.[Law & Order: Organized Crime Season 4 (DVD) English Only
Cast: Christopher Meloni Danielle Moné Truitt Tamara Taylor Ainsley Seiger Dylan McDermott Nona Parker-Johnson Brent Antonello Rick Gonzalez
Clearout Deal: No
Country of Origin - Assembly: US - United States
Director: Dick Wolf Ilene Chaiken Matt Olmstead
Genre: Police procedural Crime thriller
Studio & Production Company: Wolf Entertainment Universal Television
Universal Product Code (UPC check): 00050436419617