Young Sheldon is a coming-of-age sitcom television series created by Chuck Lorre and Steven Molaro that aired on CBS from September 25, 2017, to May 16, 2024. The series is a spin-off prequel to The Big Bang Theory that takes place during the late 80s and early 90s and follows child prodigy Sheldon Cooper as he grows up with his family in East Texas. Iain Armitage stars as Sheldon, alongside Zoe Perry, Lance Barber, Montana Jordan, Raegan Revord, and Annie Potts. Jim Parsons, who portrayed the adult Sheldon Cooper on The Big Bang Theory, narrated the series and was also an executive producer. Development of the prequel series began in November 2016, from an initial idea that Parsons passed along to The Big Bang Theory producers. The following March, Armitage and Perry were cast, and the series was ordered by CBS. Young Sheldon premiered as a special preview on September 25, 2017, and was picked up for a full season that began airing weekly on November 2, 2017. In March 2021, CBS renewed the series through to a seventh season, which premiered on February 15, 2024. In November 2023, CBS announced that the series would end after its seventh season.[1] The one-hour series finale aired on May 16, 2024.[2] Since its release, the series has received positive reviews from critics and fans alike. In January 2024, it was announced that a spin-off series focused on Georgie Cooper and Mandy McAllister was in development. In March 2024, CBS greenlit the series, titled Georgie & Mandy's First Marriage.Young Sheldon Season 7 (DVD) English Only
Cast: Iain Armitage Zoe Perry Lance Barber Montana Jordan Raegan Revord Jim Parsons Annie Potts Matt Hobby Wyatt McClure Emily Osment
Clearout Deal: No
Country of Origin - Assembly: US - United States
Director: Chuck Lorre Steven Molaro
Genre: Period sitcom
Studio & Production Company: Chuck Lorre Productions Warner Bros. Television
Universal Product Code (UPC check): 00770567664396